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2024 Holiday Sponsorship Program

Sponsor someone in need this holiday season.

Now more than ever.

Last year, our volunteers brought Christmas joy to over 175 families. This Christmas help us bring our neighbors who are struggling the joy of Christmas and to reach over 200 families. You can give the gift of hope through adopting a local family and delivering their gifts directly to them or having one of our volunteers deliver the gifts.

An impact that lasts.

When you partner with Grace Centers of Hope to sponsor families, you are not just giving gifts. You are showing our neighbors who are struggling that others care about them and that they matter.

Ready to help?

Step 1: Register

Once you register you will be able to view people in need.

Step 2: Select

Browse a list of people in need to sponsor.

Step 3: Shop

Go and shop for the requested items for the person in need.

Step 4: Deliver

Deliver the items to our dropoff location for distribution!

Looking for contactless options?

Every year, Grace Centers of Hope ensures that families receive Christmas gifts, Thanksgiving baskets, and personalized support. Make a donation today to these efforts and be part of the movement without leaving your home.